Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Another visit to Indiana. I loved going home but the travel part really got to me this time. I left at 4:30 am on Wednesday and actually didn't hit too much traffic until Louisville. It bottlenecks where 64 and 65 divide and it was about 30 minutes and 2 1/2 mile of stop and go traffic. I still made it in 12 hours which wasnt bad for all the traffic. I only stopped for bathroom and fuel. I took a couple of ham sandwiches with me and ate them instead of stopping for my meals.

Coming home on Sunday was a different story. I didnt have it too bad until I got back into NC. It was a nightmare. I hit traffic at Greensboro and it took me 3 hours to make a normal 1 1/2 trip. Im not a patient driver so by the time I got home I was severely stressed. Im thinking that next year I wont do Thanksgiving and Christmas but just Christmas. My parents will be disappointed but I have to think about my sanity too.

Thursday we had a great meal and a good visit. My family is maturing, less fighting when we are together. We were all home this year which thrilled my dad, mom too but dad is more vocal about his pleasure of having us all there. Friday my niece and I went back to mom's and stayed a bit then on Saturday we all went there again because it was my parents' anniversary. They have been married 45 years.

I am going tomorrow to get my new glasses, Im excited. When I went to get my eyes examined I found out my eyes had improved though my astigmatism had gotten worse in one eye. The eye doctor left it up to me whether to go with the bifocals or not...I chose not. I have no problem with taking my glasses off to read or getting longer arms.. hehe. Maybe next time...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Your Power Bird is a Dove
Deep and emotional, you can connect well with almost any living creature.You bring hope and optimism to any dire situation.You are both gentle and affectionate with everyone you love.Truly nurturing, most people consider you to be a mother figure.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

I Hope Im never that desparate

Have you ever met someone that was so desparate to be with someone that they just jump from relationship to relationship and every one is THE ONE? I have a good friend who is like that. He has been married twice to different "THE ONE"s and since Ive known him he is on his 4th "THE ONE" and I just found out they are talking marriage. He keeps saying he doesn't want to make another mistake, doesn't want another divorce but from the things he has told me I just see him heading down the same path. It is sad because he has this need to have someone in his life to be validated.

On to other things, been a while since I posted anything. End of the first nine weeks at school so there has been no spare time. Last Sunday I spent 8 hours grading papers and doing grades for report cards. This year there seems to be so much more to do and so little time to do it. I do tutoring on Thursday nights and I've had parent conferences ever since mid term grades went home and after next Thursday they will start over because Johnny got a B instead of an A. (OI!!! A B is still above average, give me a break.) Sorry, my little teacher meltdown there for a minute. It isn't just me feeling the crunch. Seems like it is school wide. One of my co-workers described it perfectly, she said "I feel like at the bottom of a pit with my arms raised, begging for help, but everyone just keeps shoveling dirt in on me." Yep. buried alive describes it.

My personal life ... pretty much non existent and that's ok. I'm too tired when I get home to do much anyway. Monday night our 4th and 5th grade students are performing at a PTA meeting and the teachers are required to attend so the other 4th grade teachers and I are going out to eat before we go. That is about the extent of my social

Hard to believe the holidays are getting as close as they are, I have to be thinking about what kind of gifts to buy for family and students. Im getting to the point where I dont know what to get anyone. Any suggestions?