Thursday, February 22, 2007

Why am I doing this on Thursday

Thursday nights are my busiest night most of the time. Thats the night I have to finish up the week's paper grading and try to get everything ready to go into the Friday take home folders so parents can write me notes or call me on Monday and ask why their little angel didnt make an A on the test that they obviously didnt study for and they played the whole time I was trying to teach the lesson. Ok yes Im frustrated...oh well gotta keep on smiling even when you wanna kick their little butts to get them straightened out.

That helped just getting that out.

Discipline problems are starting to escalate and I know that it's the time of year but it's wearing me down putting out all the little fires. I have 2 boys in my room that can look me in the eye and lie, if I didnt know them so well I'd believe them. I can watch them do something and they will look me in the eye and say they didnt do it...Arrrrrrgh.

Well anyway, Im off to finish grading papers, until later...keep on keeping on.


Blackhawke said...

But then one day ... a person shows up and thanks you for what you did .. You smile ... and do it all over.

Blackhawke said...

Another question ... what is the tattoo on her leg?

Clariandra's Creme de la Creme said...

Im really not sure what the tatoo is, ye olde duck & run owner says he thinks it might be some sort of tribal design.