Monday, June 11, 2007

Almost Done

Two more days. I thought I had to work til Friday but it turns out that Wednesday is our last day. I am ready for a couple months off. Now I can stay up until all hours, sleep all day, the stuff I was born to do...ok ok, I will probably be lucky to make it until midnight. But it's nice to think Im still young enough to do the late nights. I usually get back in that habit about August and then have to retrain myself when school starts. Ive always thought they should have a night school and it would be my ideal job. Actually in some states they do have alternative high school that goes from like 3 to 10pm because those are actually peak times for teenagers. Oh well, just my mind going crazy with random thoughts.

More later boys and girls.

1 comment:

Blackhawke said...

Gee, I wish I could have the whole summer off ... but No, work work work.