Friday, September 21, 2007

Role Play

Haven't written about the role play world lately. I've mostly been playing with my characters that live in the elven world. One of my first characters, Keera, married an elven man and the rp revolves around them and their children. We figured up the other night that Keera and Solostaran had been together for about six years now. I really appreciate my rp partner, he has stuck by me and my characters through thick and thin.

Not only do we play Keera and Solo together but we have about 7 other rp "couples" that we pull out depending on the rp. Ive done storylines that I would have never thought of but because he is so creative we just have fun with it. We just recently started a modern day rp that has been great and I am just amazed he comes up with this stuff off the top of his head. The modern day rp is kind of a murder/mystery type of story. We have three others that regularly rp with us and we are all in on this new story line. It's a nice change.

He has also introduced me to World of Warcraft. The jury is still out on that one, not sure if I like it or not but Im giving it the old american try. We try to mix it up, play on WoW one day and IRC on the next. Gives me a chance to think about the whole WoW thing.

The funny thing about rp is that so many of the times you become good friends with the typist of the characters that you play with, that is how it is with Sol's character and I. We became friends and now I call him my rock because he is dependable and there when I need him. Not just a friend but one of my closest friends. I hope he knows how much I count on him being there.

Haven't been playing Clariandra lately since my rp partner has been out of commission for a while but looks like Ill be pulling her out and blowing off the dust in a bit. She and Keera are probably my favorite characters ever. Lady Susan will always hold a special place in my heart but I was such a newbie when I created her, she was rather bland. I still pull her out on occasion but for the most part she is resting.

That's the update on my world of role play. Now Im off to the world of reality. An all meeting day today...Yay! *dripping sarcasm on that word*


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