Monday, April 9, 2007

Day 3 at home

It's 8:00 am on Monday. My nieces just left for school and my brother in law left for work so I have the house to myself. It's very different staying here as a guest. When I lived up here I dropped in all the time but I had my own place to sleep and just do whatever it was that I wanted to do. I sometimes feel like Im in the way now when I come up - it's not anything they do, it's just me.

Yesterday we went up to my Aunt's for Easter. I hadn't seen any of my extended family for over a year so it was nice to get together with them. It was my mom's side of the family, her brother and his family and her sister and her family. 32 of us I think, if I am counting right. The only ones not there were my brother, his wife and my nephew who has deemed himself too old to go to family get togethers.

While we were there, my sister, who was planning on coming to NC for my birthday in May decided it would be a nice girls' outing, so now my mom, aunt, 2 cousins and my younger sister are all coming. We are planning on finding a motel near the beach and just lazing around all weekend. We have all always been very close so it is alright by me. My aunt is actually my aunt twice, she is my dad's sister but married my mom's brother. That makes her children my double cousins and we have always done a lot together as families.

After we stuffed ourselves with a delicious Easter dinner, we adults sat around and talked while the kids hid eggs and hunted them. They didn't want the adults to help and we were happy to oblige as none of us wanted to be out there in the freezing temps to hide the eggs.

When we finally left, mom, dad, my youngest sister and I, stopped in to see my dad's oldest sister. Besides Easter it was also her 75th birthday. So I got to see many more of my cousins (she has 8 daughters, all married with children and some with grandchildren) They sure fill up a house.

Now I am going to go shower and make my way to my parents's house for the day though I was informed by youngest niece that she did expect me to be back here when she got home from school. We will see.

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